"dream as if you'll live forever. live as if you'll die today" (james dean)
this has been one of my favorite quotes since i saw it on a james dean poster in a store in the mall when i was in junior high. it was one of those things i used to write on all of my notebooks in school...and doodle all over my "notes" i was taking in class. along with "i love (insert crush-of-the-month here)." anyway, i think it's been one of those things that has stuck with me and really impacted how i perceive and live my life.
about 5 years ago, my brother and i sat down at starbucks. i just say "starbucks" and not "a starbucks" cuz this was before there was one on every corner. what's up with that anyway. do we really need like 10 of them within a quarter mile radius? there is a shopping center right by my house that has one at the end of the center, one inside the grocery store, and then another one literally right around the corner. not to mention the coffee bean right next to it. and the other, privately owned coffee shop...which is really good, by the way. i've been going there a lot more lately. i enjoy the atmosphere there. it's more, i dunno, original. anyway, i totally went off topic...
so, my brother and i are sitting in starbucks, and somehow the topic of dreams came up. and we started talking about all of the things we wanted to accomplish in life. so we decided to make a list and try to accomplish as many of those things as possible. i borrowed some paper and a couple of pens from one of the employees, and my little brother and i sat there and began to list all these things. it's funny cuz i remember him starting right away and he had about 50 in no time. it was harder for me. there were a couple things that came to mind immediately, but they were the bigger, more obvious things (like wanting to get married). i started to become frustrated because i realized that i had already begun to lose sight of those things i once dreamed of doing...and i was only 17. my bro was so adorable. i will never forget his patience and encouragement as he started asking me questions, and even sharing things on his list, to help me rediscover those desires that had started to fade away. before i knew it, i was up to about 50 items on my list as well.
anyway, last night i was in one of my funks. i get like that every once in a while, where i sort of feel lost or out of place and i don't know why. i'm not sure what triggers it, and it's really hard to describe the feeling. but it usually passes soon enough. i had plans to do a few things last night. i was supposed to go to a show (a new musician i was gonna check out) and a friend of mine was having a b-day party. but i bailed on both...and met my dad for dinner. we had a good conversation and were able to catch up on what was going on in each other's lives. this is probably one of my favorite things to do, by the way...one-on-one time with any of my family members. anyway, i went home after dinner and started going through some old photo albums. and out fell a couple of pieces of folded up paper. mine and my brother's dream lists. i read his first. it's funny to see how much he's changed in the last 5 years. he used to want to be a navy airforce pilot...now he wants to be an actor. and it's amazing to me how many of the things he's already done on his list...and he's only 15. he's amazing.
i moved to my list next. it's also interesting to see how i've changed over the last 5 years. i've done a few of the things on my list, no longer have the desire to do others, and could probably add a few more now. but, here it is (in no particular order). thought it would be cool to share...
in my life, i want to:
currently listening to:

this has been one of my favorite quotes since i saw it on a james dean poster in a store in the mall when i was in junior high. it was one of those things i used to write on all of my notebooks in school...and doodle all over my "notes" i was taking in class. along with "i love (insert crush-of-the-month here)." anyway, i think it's been one of those things that has stuck with me and really impacted how i perceive and live my life.
about 5 years ago, my brother and i sat down at starbucks. i just say "starbucks" and not "a starbucks" cuz this was before there was one on every corner. what's up with that anyway. do we really need like 10 of them within a quarter mile radius? there is a shopping center right by my house that has one at the end of the center, one inside the grocery store, and then another one literally right around the corner. not to mention the coffee bean right next to it. and the other, privately owned coffee shop...which is really good, by the way. i've been going there a lot more lately. i enjoy the atmosphere there. it's more, i dunno, original. anyway, i totally went off topic...
so, my brother and i are sitting in starbucks, and somehow the topic of dreams came up. and we started talking about all of the things we wanted to accomplish in life. so we decided to make a list and try to accomplish as many of those things as possible. i borrowed some paper and a couple of pens from one of the employees, and my little brother and i sat there and began to list all these things. it's funny cuz i remember him starting right away and he had about 50 in no time. it was harder for me. there were a couple things that came to mind immediately, but they were the bigger, more obvious things (like wanting to get married). i started to become frustrated because i realized that i had already begun to lose sight of those things i once dreamed of doing...and i was only 17. my bro was so adorable. i will never forget his patience and encouragement as he started asking me questions, and even sharing things on his list, to help me rediscover those desires that had started to fade away. before i knew it, i was up to about 50 items on my list as well.
anyway, last night i was in one of my funks. i get like that every once in a while, where i sort of feel lost or out of place and i don't know why. i'm not sure what triggers it, and it's really hard to describe the feeling. but it usually passes soon enough. i had plans to do a few things last night. i was supposed to go to a show (a new musician i was gonna check out) and a friend of mine was having a b-day party. but i bailed on both...and met my dad for dinner. we had a good conversation and were able to catch up on what was going on in each other's lives. this is probably one of my favorite things to do, by the way...one-on-one time with any of my family members. anyway, i went home after dinner and started going through some old photo albums. and out fell a couple of pieces of folded up paper. mine and my brother's dream lists. i read his first. it's funny to see how much he's changed in the last 5 years. he used to want to be a navy airforce pilot...now he wants to be an actor. and it's amazing to me how many of the things he's already done on his list...and he's only 15. he's amazing.
i moved to my list next. it's also interesting to see how i've changed over the last 5 years. i've done a few of the things on my list, no longer have the desire to do others, and could probably add a few more now. but, here it is (in no particular order). thought it would be cool to share...
in my life, i want to:
- visit the seven wonders of the world
- see all of the key places in the bible (walk where jesus walked)
- finish college
- go skydiving
- go bungee jumping
- read the bible all the way through (at least once)
- invent something or come up with something no one's ever thought of (specifically a way to help people)
- act in a movie
- direct a movie
- lead a bible study group
- write a book
- play in a band
- write and produce my own song (or even a whole album)
- learn how to play guitar better
- learn how to play the piano
- learn how to play drums (i think that's all for the musical instruments)
- go on a road trip
- live in the country for a while (or anywhere outside of california where i'm just surrounded by nature...and not smog and traffic)
- climb a mountain
- go fishing (and actually catch a fish)
- learn another language
- fall in love and get married
- have kids
- start my own business/organization
- open an orphanage in africa (as well as doing other worldwide ministry things)
- spend a day with sandra bullock (i used to be in love with her... "while you were sleeping" is one of my fave movies...however, i might have to change this one to natalie portman or rachel mcadams...my 2 female celebrity crushes...hehe)
- swim with dolphins
- jump off of a waterfall
- paint a picture (you have to understand i'm not creative in this way at all!)
- witness a miracle
- spend a day with john eldredge (as much as i would still like to do this, i would have to add a new favorite author here: i would love to spend some time with donald miller)
- finish writing my script and film it (no clue which script i was referring to, so let's say "finish writing A script...")
- learn to water ski
- go white water rafting
- ride a motorcycle
- get a tattoo
- participate in a marathon
- learn to scuba dive
- take pictures of the sunset every night for one consecutive year and make an album
- go on a safari
- knit a scarf (or even a blanket)
- explore a cave
- learn more about philosophy, as well as other religions
- learn how to surf
- backpack across europe (too much i want to see to list everything individually)
- make it a point to constantly try new things
- learn how to golf
- take fencing lessons
- take ballroom dancing lessons
- go horseback riding on the beach

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