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Tuesday, August 01, 2006


it's so weird to me how someone you used to be so intimate with, so close to, can quickly become a you never even knew them at all. you just pass them on the street one day and neither of you stops, or even acknowledges the other. this person that knows yours deepest thoughts, fears and dreams (and you, in turn, know theirs) can't even say a simple "hello." what am i to think of this? how should this make me feel? it almost gives validity to my fear of getting close to people. when you're inseparable one day and invisible the next. when you pour yourself into someone, just to be left feeling empty inside. am i bitter, angry, sad? not really. i feel more apathetic about it then anything. which scares me a little cuz i never want to get to a place where i feel numb. i love that i feel. i love that i am passionate. i love that i am able to love. i long for the day when i find that someone that i know will never turn into this stranger...


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